My Barbaric Yawp

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Mark 2

I feel I am drowning in an ocean of lies.

Dystopian nightmares about a world so distorted and disconnected from reality we feel a pulsing dread and disorientation are no longer the sole preserve of fiction novels and the silver screen.

It is here and now.

Have you ever had a nightmare which involved familiar people and places yet carried an underlying feeling of unease bordering on fear?

There was something not quite right. The faces looked the same. They smiled and engaged with you. The sun shone and there was nothing overtly sinister lurking in any corner of this dreamscape.

But you know better. Things are not as they appear. Your primal instincts are on full alert and the message is clear. These people are not your friends.  This environment is not safe.

Sadly, my gut is screaming the same message to me today.

The silent majority may well be as disgusted and bemused by the rapid changes and barrage of lies to which we are subjected every day, but they are called the silent majority for a reason.

Silence ultimately changes nothing.

That is why those who hold the power terrorize those few who dare to speak out and draw attention to their mind games and terror tactics.

Am I being hyperbolic? A tad too dramatic?

Prove me wrong.

Wear a MAGA cap and walk down a busy street or stand on a packed train.

Proclaim the scientific truth that there are only two genders on a university campus or your Twitter account.
Dare to say: Only women menstruate.

Write: Women are not the only victims of domestic violence.

Post the words, All Lives Matter on your Facebook page or in public.

Speak or write words of support for your police force.

Write about the systemic prejudice men are subjected to in our daily lives.

Refute the lies about the systemic oppression of the Indigenous people of Australia with facts and statistics.

Point out the facts about the black crime rate in America and Australia.

Suggest every country must have a right to decide who comes into their country.

Post a simple line: Don’t believe all women.

Call abortion the legalized killing of a baby.

Suggest whites are not the only race which can be racist.

Do any of the things I listed and you will suffer consequences.

You will be scorned, abused and ridiculed.

You may be banned from the platform you used to utter your profanities.

You will be threatened with physical violence.

You may experience physical violence.

You will end friendships.

You will be branded a hater and an inciter of violence when in fact only you will be under threat of harm.

You will be called a racist, a sexist and transphobic.

You may well be sacked by your employer.

Your house may be smeared in graffiti and your windows smashed.

These are not suppositions. It is the truth.

I have become deeply saddened by the fact that I have had to remove myself from Facebook in order to prevent a complete breakdown within my extended family.

The one person who stood by my side and supported me whenever the accusations and branding began in response to calmly stated facts is now dead.

My younger brother was my “wingman”. He was far from a saint. He was a rascal. But, like me, the lies and misrepresentations of the truth caused him to physically fume and his guts burned just like mine.

As we worked out together he used to punch the heavy bag in a burst of adrenalized fury as I talked about the latest feminist inspired programs and funding of our state government or the collective blanket of guilt being thrown over all men yet again when a woman died at the hands of a man.

I miss my brother. I ache for him.

I am saddened by the knowledge that if some of my friends were aware of where I stand on the political spectrum I occupy today or knew how I felt about the BLM movement, they would distance themselves from me, talk in disbelieving tones behind my back and ultimately lessen their contact.

I am fortunate to have a tight inner circle of people I consider soulmates who know exactly where I stand. But those outside of this tight circle would perhaps recoil if they heard me speak my mind on an array of politically hot subjects.

Don’t misunderstand me.

I don’t hesitate to speak out and tell the truth about any subject. I don’t go proselytizing but if it is raised in the company of friends and family I will give my opinion without equivocation. But I know there will be fallout, tension and consequences.

So, I sit on the edge of my seat, waiting for someone to make a disparaging comment about men or self-indulgently shake their head in disgust at just how racist their fellow Australians are or what a hell hole America has become under its current president.

Of course, any reference to female oppression in our country is violently rejected regardless of the company I find myself in.

But you see the disbelief on their faces. You see the slowly emerging anger, sometimes controlled but still very obvious because I dared to question what is meant to be an observation requiring nothing more than universal support and acknowledgement.

“Who brung him!’ they silently scream.

My dear dad often used this expression in jest when somebody misspoke or clumsily dropped a plate or spilled his tea.

Oh dad. What would you make of these times?

I was thinking about the question of power and lies last night.

I was struck by the compelling truth about the two groups currently garnering the support of the media, government, education system and mobs in our western culture.

Black Lives Matter and feminism. Both of these movement’s entire premise is built upon lies.

Here in Australia, the claim that our indigenous people are marginalized and ignored, targeted by violent police and unjustly incarcerated is demonstrably false.

Just as feminist claims about the oppression and invisibility of women are actually the complete inverse of reality, so too are the indigenous claims of oppression.

If what they say is true, they must explain the following facts.

There are a range of government funded programs and entitlements which are only available to people who are indigenous or Torres Strait Islanders.

The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne offers free general dental care, emergency dental care and denture care to indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders.

There are no waiting lists for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander patients for general dental care and denture care.

We will offer you the first appointment that is available.

No waiting lists. If you are black you are rushed to the front of the line.

If you are a low-income white man with four rotting molars and a terrible toothache, tough luck.

I’m sure this personal story will move you as deeply as it did me.

Our Stories – Robert Critch

As a young Gunaikurnai man growing up in Broadmeadows, Robert Critch was too busy working and worrying about his finances to give his dental health a second thought. It wasn’t until he had to have the last of his natural teeth extracted at the age of 27 that he realised the consequences of poor oral health.

Robert got in touch with The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne (RDHM) and has been attending denture appointments. He is optimistic that this time he will get the smile he has always dreamed of.

You see- Robert was too busy working and worrying about his finances to take care of his teeth and he didn’t realize the terrible consequences of poor oral health until he had the last of his natural teeth extracted!

We white folk who happen to eat too many lollies and neglect our dental hygiene get the results we deserve! Toothache-well clean your bloody teeth more often. Yellow, rotting teeth. Give up your drugs and cigarettes. You have no-one to blame but yourself! You want them fixed? You better be ready for a budget breaking bill!

Never fear, Robert. You are indigenous. Your skin tone is just the right shade. You go straight to the top of the waiting list and you get your new dentures for free! (Robert actually looks about as indigenous as I do, perhaps he has a great great grandad who was indigenous.)

If you are homeless and white you too may get free dental treatment. Indigenous people do not have to be homeless in order to have access to this benefit.

Payments and support for Indigenous Australians

Department of Health helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples stay healthy and strong with a free health check.

Use Payment and Service Finder to help you find out what payments and services you may be able to get.

ABSTUDY can help you and your family with study, Australian Apprenticeship or traineeship costs.

Relocation Scholarship can help if you need to move to, or from, a remote or regional area to study. It’s paid once a year.

Student Start-up Loan is a voluntary loan you can get up to twice a year. You can get it if you’re an eligible higher education student. It can help you buy study related items like textbooks.

Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme can help you with the extra study costs for your children. It’s for people who can’t go to a state or public school on a daily basis because they either:

Getting help with the cost of medicine

The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme offers reduced cost prescription medicines. You can get help to buy medicine if you have a chronic disease or are at risk of one.

The Closing the Gap PBS Co-payment helps you get most prescription medicines at a lower price.

But there is more.

Job Centre Australia’s Aboriginal Employment Pathway Program (AEPP) is designed to provide culturally appropriate support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to overcome barriers to gaining and maintaining employment. We individually tailor the support required, whether it be training, on the job support or mentoring to help in the transition to employment. Job Centre Australia has Indigenous Engagement Co-ordinators and trainers in NSW and QLD, with approximately 6% of our staff identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

There are jobs which are permitted to advertise exclusively for Indigenous or Torres Strait Islanders.

Unfortunately, there is some misunderstanding that discrimination laws are an obstacle to addressing the inequality experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in employment. On the contrary, discrimination laws recognise that some groups, including racial groups, have suffered historical disadvantage and do not enjoy their human rights equally with others. These laws permit employers to adopt ‘special measures’ to assist disadvantaged racial groups so that they can have similar access to opportunities as others in the community.

This guideline will help employers to use the ‘special measure’ provisions in the federal Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) and state and territory discrimination laws, to target Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for recruitment. We believe this is an important resource for employers seeking to advance the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Dr Tim Soutphommasane Race Discrimination Commissioner

The Race discrimination Minister promotes racial discrimination.

How deliciously Orwellian!

Our federal government spends 30 billion dollars a year in an attempt to meet the needs of our indigenous people.

That equates to:

Estimated expenditure per person in 2012-13 was $43,449 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, compared with $20,900 for other Australians (a ratio of 2.08 to 1 — an increase from a ratio of 1.93 to 1 in 2008-09).

Yet we are a racist country.

We have provided millions in funding to support the Aboriginal Arts community.

We openly discriminate against non-indigenous people and enshrine the right to do so in law,

Confirm your Indigenous heritage

Some of our positions are just for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We call these positions Affirmative Measures. You’ll need to confirm your Indigenous heritage if you are offered an Affirmative Measures position.

The marching mobs chant about indigenous deaths in custody, inferring those who died were murdered or brutalized when the vast majority died from health-related problems or suicide. They have no concern for or interest in the deaths of white men in custody.


Using prison population data from the Report on Government Services (SCRGSP 2014a), the rates of death in prison custody across Australia were:

  • 08 per 100 Indigenous prisoners and 0.17 per 100 non-Indigenous prisoners in 2011–12; and
  • 11 per 100 Indigenous prisoners and 0.20 per 100 non-Indigenous prisoners in 2012–13 (SCRGSP 2014a)

So non indigenous prisoners are more likely to die in custody than indigenous prisoners! In fact, in the 2011-12 period non indigenous prisoners were twice as likely to die as indigenous prisoners.

Not one of these mob members wishes to confront the reality of the shockingly high rates of crime committed disproportionately by our indigenous people or the black people of America.

Indisputable facts become weapons used by “racists.”

Could the disproportionate crime committed by black people possibly account for the disproportionate number of black people incarcerated in our prisons?

NO! Fuck off racist!

The fact that indigenous men are  thirty times more likely to commit domestic violence or the disturbing truth that the vast majority of indigenous people murdered are killed by other indigenous people is a truth too uncomfortable and disturbing to be addressed.

Aboriginal women here are 37 times more likely to be hospitalised than non-Aboriginal women for non-fatal family violence-related assaults. In the Northern Territory the rate of hospitalisation is up to 86 times higher for Aboriginal women. In central Australia, this figure is 95 times more likely for Aboriginal women.

We also know that Indigenous people are disproportionately victims and offenders in homicide incidents, and that most of these occur between family members.

So, the vast majority of journalists refuse to mention it and they join the crusade with a tear in the eye and black square on their Facebook profile.

Watch this Avi Yemini video in which he questions those who are taking part in the Melbourne BLM march. It says everything that needs to be said about these mobs. Avi was the host of the Melbourne March For Men in Melbourne a couple of years ago.

Do I want our indigenous people cared for? Yes, I do.

Do I want every indigenous person to have the same opportunities as white people? Yes, I do.

Is there a need for some of our indigenous people to get a “leg up” from our government to help them find their way? Perhaps.

But I do not write about the support of our indigenous people because I object to it or find it incomprehensible. I present these facts because we are constantly told we continue to oppress and subjugate our indigenous population.

There were signs calling the deaths of indigenous people in custody, genocide.

One poster said “We have 432 George Floyds of our own. They deserve justice.

Another said: “Where’s the justice for 432 murdered indigenous Australians?

They literally make things up to fit their agenda.


What kind of cause can it be when people have to invent a narrative to engender the sympathy and support of the population? (I can think of another that does just this.)

If we truly do oppress our indigenous brothers and sisters the evidence should be overwhelming and obvious.

Of course, the opposite is true.

We grant privileges and entitlements to our indigenous people which are not available to white people in our country.

Are indigenous people living in poverty and suffering unacceptable levels of violence, addiction and abuse?  Yes, they are.

Is that a result of current day oppression and racism?


It is far more complex than that. Countless governments have tried and are continuing to attempt to close the poverty gap but at some point, the indigenous community must take responsibility for themselves.

Although poverty in Australia is evident among all ethnic groups, it is Indigenous Australians who appear most profoundly affected by poverty. Research has shown, over the past thirty years since the Henderson Inquiry into poverty, that Indigenous Australians are significantly worse off than non-Indigenous Australians, according to all social indicators…Not only is poverty deeply entrenched, the causes are complex…despite government policies directed towards achieving economic equality for Indigenous Australians, there has been little improvement to their relative socioeconomic status, according to standard social indicators.[2]

Indigenous activist, Jacinta Price can have the final word on the credibility of the The Black Lives Matter Activists who marched in cities all around Australia.

‘Just watching the footage of protesters and the conversations around white privilege make me sick to my stomach,’ she told Sky News.

These are narcissists … they don’t have to do any hard work just appear as though they care.’

Ms Price, a Warlpiri woman and Alice Springs Town Councillor, said more Aboriginal people die outside of police custody than within it, with the majority of Aboriginal people killed and maimed by other Aboriginal people.

‘You don’t care because the perpetrators are also black, and that’s the big problem,’ she said.

‘People only care if there’s seen to be a white perpetrator.’

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2014–15 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, more than one in five or 22.3 per cent of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged over 15 had experienced physical violence or threats in the previous 12 months.

Half of all of those who had experienced physical violence over the 12-month period said that their most recent attacker was a family member.  

‘This is the reality that goes on in the remote communities that these protesters care zero for,’ Ms Price said.

‘They do not care one bit. They stand there virtue-signalling and acting as though they’re so terribly sorry for the racism that Aboriginal people are faced with.

‘It’s not racism that is sexually abusing our kids and it is not racism that is killing our people – it’s the actions of our own people.’  

Now, let’s turn our attention to that other “oppressed” and “disadvantaged” demographic -women. Feminist claims of gendered injustice for women carry no more validity than the erroneous and deliberately divisive claims of Black Lives Matter activists.

I will not run through facts which have been presented with such regularity on this website with regard to the entitlements and privileges our government showers upon women, nor will I provide the countless examples of media and educational institutions which prioritize women’s needs over men’s.

We know all about them.

It is quite shocking to acknowledge the fact that these two groups- BLM and Feminism have succeeded in gaining world -wide attention and support for their “cause” when their claims of victimhood are based upon lies and inventions.

Both groups rely on shaming and intimidating anyone who questions the validity of their claims.

Both groups rely on the cowardice or ignorance of the general population to create massive support for their cause.

Both groups know their lies will rarely be called out by a compliant, virtue signaling media.

Both groups no there are never any consequences for their violent actions, lies and threats.

For they are black.

For they possess a vagina.

They are oppressed no matter how incongruous such a claim may appear to be.

So many black people who claim they have no voice in America do so from a microphone, standing at a podium in front of a sea of cameras in front of tens of thousands of people. And their voices are heard, acknowledged and people rush to accommodate their requests regardless of how insane they may be.

Defund the police? Fuck that. Remove all police!

Feminists do the same.

They complain about their powerlessness and lack of a voice from the steps of the Parliament in which they reside.

They write about their unique female struggles and burdens in their daily column in the country’s biggest selling newspaper.

They talk about gender inequity to their school staff of which 80% are women.

They talk about the lack of roles for women in the entertainment industry as they accept their fifth Oscar in their jewel encrusted attire.

Does the word oppressed actually hold any power or meaning anymore?

The words racist and victim have been twisted and manipulated and misused so frequently that they have lost the capacity to draw empathy or register shock.

They really have lost their sting. They are a blunt, ineffective weapon used by those who have no case or true cause.

They are as effective as a toothbrush with frayed, softened bristles.

And then we come to the cause close to our hearts. The systemic abuse of men and boys in our judicial and educational institutions.

The media and entertainment industries’ endless assault on masculinity is self-evident for anyone with eyes to see.

The deliberate and calculated blanket of invisibility thrown over men who are victims of domestic violence, war, workplace death, homelessness, suicide and injustice in our courts-all of which can be demonstrated to be true with statistics and cold, unemotional facts.

We have the truth. We speak and write the truth.

Yet we remain a gnat on the shoe of the giant which is societal indifference.

My sister is passionate about refugee rights. She knows I am an advocate for men’s rights and is relatively neutral (at best) on the subject.

When she rails against public indifference to her cause my hackles are raised.

I point out the fact that at least her “cause” is on the “table” and in the public domain as an issue worth debating. I refer her to the ABC, The Age and many other powerful media outlets which regularly promote and support her cause.

I explain that even her opponents in the debate, at best might call her a “bleeding heart” or simply suggest her heart is in the right place but the realities and practicalities of the issue escape her.

They don’t laugh in her face. They don’t mock, denigrate and dismiss her concerns. They don’t respond with rage and threats. They don’t label her with poisonous pejoratives inferring she is the lowest kind of bigot and hater when it is love which fuels her passion. They don’t block her or remove her online comments. She doesn’t lose friends.

This response is reserved for those who speak up for men.

The same can be said for many other noble and “safe” issues concerning race, disability, LGBTQ rights and many other political causes. You can ride their wagons without fear of censorship or censure. You will win multiple “likes”, lots of virtual as well as real pats on the back and feel a warm fuzzy glow in your tummy too.

You are one of the good guys (and gals).

Our passion, our hope for some recognition of the injustice endured by those we advocate for is nowhere near the “table” upon which all of these issues and causes are hotly discussed and noted by governments.

We are not even a whisper in the corridor outside the room where the “table” resides!

On the rare occasion men and women gather to bring awareness to this travesty which impacts far more lives than those who claim to be victims of racism or sexism in this country, we are attacked with unbridled hatred and feral rage.

We are shut down, lied about, blocked, censored and shamed into silence.

So, I bay at the moon.

I scream at the sky.

I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.

And then I go to bed.

If you want your sense of hope raised, watch this beautiful, brave, black woman speak the truth to a BLM mob. It makes one dare to believe this madness will end one day.

I am black! I am not oppressed! she cries.

Her next target should be the annual women’s march.

Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad. George Orwell, 1984

Original Story on AVFM
Author: Mark Dent
These stories are from

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