Author: Steve Brulé
I had not thought about this before but Hitler could not have gotten very far without supplies from the rest of the world, and top American Companies made a fortune selling to Germany during WWII. This book has the details and points out that American executives were never charged with war crimes because they have influence in the White House.
Wall Street tycoons also made a fortune running the global financial system like a giant pyramid scheme. They brought the world to its knees in 2008, and destroyed the lives of millions of ordinary people in the process. Caught red-handed they were far from contrite – they practically bragged about it – and were rewarded with even more money in the form of a government bailout. They immediately gave themselves bonuses and thumbed their noses at the “little people.” Once again none of them were charged with any sort of crime because they control the White House.
Feminism is owned by Corporate America, and serves their interests. If that ever changes you can bet that the flow of money would stop within 15 minutes, since absolutely nothing but profit, which means power, concerns Corporate America. They make profit off men’s (and women’s) labor; they profit from divorce; they profit from men’s early death because that means lower losses due to pension costs; they profit from men’s early removal from the workforce because eliminating the old makes room for fresh, cheap young laborers.
They also profit from men’s imprisonment, which is why they love private prisons, tougher sentences, and prison sentences for non-payment of Child Support. That’s also why they continue to promote the discredited domestic violence statistics that support The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). More prisoners means more profit. More prisoners means more slave prison-labor at 25 cents an hour. Even judges get in on the action by imprisoning kids for cash kickbacks from the private prisons. Corporate America will try to spread private prisons around the world because prisons mean profit and profit means power.
Feminists use corporate and government money to fund studies that use corrupt methodologies and falsified statistics in order to justify calls for increasingly harsh new laws and public policy against males. They have successfully created a false rape crisis and an imagined “rape culture,” and have used this paranoia to expel male students from university without due process. They have successfully imprisoned men for child support and at the same time replaced women’s prisons with sorority houses for female criminals, all while advocating for legalized husband-murder.
At every turn, feminists seek to reduce the opportunities available to males while expanding female privilege, and America applauds. Men who desperately seek female approval also applaud and see male-bashing as an opportunity to strut around as a knight in shining armor in a pathetic attempt to appear “alpha-like.” Men’s Rights Activists have identified these men as “White Knights.”
There’s nothing new about the business of inciting female dissatisfaction in order to control male behavior. DeBeers, for example, single-handedly popularized the diamond engagement ring by appealing to the competitive female ego, insisting that a woman should settle for nothing less than a diamond worth three months salary.
The British “White Feather campaign” during WWI was so successful at shaming men into enlisting that it also led to a spike in suicides among men who could not enlist. Returning disabled veterans who could not work were ridiculed for being a burden to their wives, and single disabled veterans were considered damaged goods and disqualified for marriage by the very women who shamed them into going to war.
It matters little to Corporate America whether men are herded into the divorce industry, the prison industry, an early grave, or chained to unending and inescapable debt. All roads lead to profit through lower wages and increased consumerism: he divorce industry transfers money to women, the top consumers; the prison industry is profitable and holds the slave-labor force; an early grave makes room for cheaper labor; and debt keeps a man chained to his job no matter how horrible the conditions.
What Corporate America fears most is a fiscally-responsible populace composed of families who value their own self-determined, financially-independent freedom over mindless consumption, greed, and ego. Hence they promote a culture obsessed with consumption, where greed is a virtue, and ego-centrism is celebrated as an achievement in our i-Everything world. After all, it’s all about you, isn’t it?
No, it’s not. It’s all about profit. The manipulation is so blatant that it’s embarrassing that it works. And it works because, yes, you are important. You are so important that it is imperative that you resist this shameful seduction.
Corporate America is not run by stupid people; these are dangerous, powerful people, and many of them are psychopaths and sociopaths. They see the rest of us as nothing more than “human capital” or “human resources,” on the same level as mineral resources, forestry resources, oil resources, and livestock resources. They love you like a farmer loves his cattle and they believe that they can count on the majority of people to sleepwalk straight into the killing pens.
The only way to stop them is to recognize that Corporate America is not serving our needs, it is herding us into the work-camps, work-prisons and the killing pens of a globalized world where only the elite will be free global-citizens. Social movements like BLM, Antifa and, especially, Feminism, are not “grass-roots” but are fully-funded and controlled by the same corporations that now control the government, and they are all in the business of eliminating our freedom. Some of the practical ways that we can counter their efforts include:
- Do not vote for anyone associated with the legacy political parties
- Support local small businesses whenever possible
- Do not support big “grass roots” social movements like feminism
- Support and promote men’s issues. It is ordinary men who invent, build, and maintain the entire world.
- Protect freedom of speech
- Protect the principle of presumption of innocence
- Break the Big Tech monopolies
We need to re-affirm and strengthen the central importance of the individual over the fantasy of “the greater good” because any and every restriction on personal freedom can be rationalized by an appeal to “the greater good.” which is the governing principle behind all collectivism be it socialism, fascism, corporatism or globalism.
But collectives don’t suffer, only individuals suffer. Collectives don’t help one another, individuals help one another. Collectives don’t experience hunger or have preferences, desires, dreams or fears.
The individual is the center of every experience, and no matter how many people you may lump into a group, there is still no collective identity that can ever justify actions to silence, punish or restrict the behavior of an innocent person seeking his own fulfillment. But placing “the greater good” over the individual always results in the elite leaders of the community lording their power over everyone else who then lose their freedom to seek their own fulfillment.
Trusting one another with the freedom of self-determination will lead to greater fulfillment and a more robust society than governments, institutions, and corporations and their “social movements” can or will ever bestow upon us.
Original Story on AVFM
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