NCFM Adviser Gordon Finley, the group it’s Ok to hate

Mens Rights Alberta  > NCFM >  NCFM Adviser Gordon Finley, the group it’s Ok to hate

NOTE: NCFM is posting Mr. Finley’s article because of the issue of false accusations and bigotry, but we take no position on race or left right politics. They are your sons…

The group it’s OK to hate

The letter below was published in The Washington Times on Wednesday, April 26, 2017.

Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D.



Irrespective of his personal conduct, Bill O’Reilly’s firing reflects the triumph of political correctness and the unfettered power of allegations of sexual misconduct to eliminate straight white males from positions of power and influence (“The high price of Fox hunting,” Web, April 20). To Wesley Pruden’s insightful analysis, I would add “diversity” as a potent part of the progressive left’s arsenal to deny educational opportunities and employment to straight white males and move them to the margins of society while simultaneously privileging all who fall under the “diversity” umbrella.

The only upside to all this is that the “deplorables” marginalized by the progressive left somehow became mobilized and engaged in the political process in search for solutions that serve their best interests rather than the best interests of the identity- and gender- politics political base.

To survive and thrive, straight white males must fight the false narrative of “white male privilege” with current and accurate data in the areas of education, employment, health, addiction and suicide. The era of getting your way by calling individuals unattractive names and using mob rule do not belong in a democracy and should come to an end.


Professor of psychology emeritus

Florida International University


national coalition for men

The group it’s OK to hate

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