NCFM Invitation to the West Coast Premiere of The Red Pill the movie and Hollywood pre party

Mens Rights Alberta  > NCFM >  NCFM Invitation to the West Coast Premiere of The Red Pill the movie and Hollywood pre party

red pill

Producer Cassie Jaye’s transformative journey through the men’s rights movement.

  • Purchase tickets for the movie at .

  • Get tickets for the West Coast premier on Friday 7:00 p.m. showing October 14. at the Laemmle Noho 7 Theatre, 5240 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood

  • There’s a Q&A after the movie with Cassie Jaye and a few of those in the movie, including NCFM members.

  • Join us for drinks or dinner at The Federal Bar from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. October 14 at 5303 Lankershim Blvd, Los Angeles (Hollywood), a few blocks from the theatre.

  • Return to The Federal Bar after the showing for socializing and review.

Join us! You might meet NCFM members like NCFM VP Marc Angelucci, Esq., Harry Crouch NCFM President, Treasurer Deborah Watkins, LA Chapter President Ray Blumhorst, LA Chapter Treasurer Fred Sottile, NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi, NCFM Adviser and event co-host David Pisarra, Esq.NCFM Arizona Chapter President Richard Cassalata and other NCFM members, like Paul Elam from A Voice For Men… maybe even Cassie Jaye!

This is a great opportunity to rekindle relationships for NCFM LA Chapter members or those who might like to become NCFM members.

Separate checks! You’ll need to buy your own food and drinks. 

Please RSVP. We have to tell The Federal Bar how many people to expect. You can RSVP by signing up at our Facebook event page here . 

national coalition for men

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