Author: Mens Review
We continue the series of Men’s Review excerpts below, with this piece imploring women to extend to men freedom from traditional responsibilities “with the same zeal as women demanded it for themselves.” – PW
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The Trend Of The Sexes
by Rith
When we observe the relationship of the sexes in the past, we find woman solely of the ménage, a menial, subjective, subjected. The male holding the centre of the human drama. From this point to the next point -the present- can be traced the line following an upward trend, economically, intellectually, and politically, which forecasts the eventual future point, where men and women will be equal and complimentary to each other — a real factual equality.
The conception of equality at the moment is false. The female has gained a large measure of economic freedom, and will obtain more and more. But as she advances, these advances imply just adjustments in her relationship with the male. To take new freedoms and selfishly retain the oppressions over the male, is not only to arouse male resentment, but it is an abomination indeed, which even males who have a desire to free women, must fight in self-preservation.
Those women who have progressed farther than their fellows, who are conscious of the responsibilities the new situation brings, as well as its rights, have a duty towards their opposite sex, who after all, and their brothers, fathers, and sons. To give freedom with the same zeal as they demand it for themselves, that along the road of human progress, we may work in harmony to make life a thing of happiness for both.
Original Story on AVFM
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